Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sad Tragedy at Chatsworth

On Saturday, the 6th instant, at about 5 p.m., two men, named Wm. W. Botsford and Isadore Dureaux, came into town and visited the saloon. They were armed with revolvers and bowie knives, and said they were in pursuit of one John C. Lister, for who they had a state warrant, and who was moving to Kansas with his wife and four children. The charge alleged against him was that he had seduced a young girl near Middleport, Illinois. They had followed him from Onarga during the afternoon, and passed him on the way, they coming to this place, and he, heavily laden with goods, with four horses, encamped for the night one and a half miles from town.
At about 8 p.m. they took their horses from the hotel stable and started to the place where he was encamped, and found him, after a tiresome day's journey, already retired for the night in his wagon bed - surrounded by his family! They awoke him and said they had a warrant for him and that he must deliver himself up. He (Lister) immediately arose and was getting out of the wagon when Isadore Dureaux fired. The ball, passing through the canvass of the wagon, entered the right breast of Lister and proved fatal within fifteen minutes.
I was called to see him, and on arriving at the place about an hour after the occurrence found him dead. An inquest was held on the body, and the men Botsford and Dureaux were taken in custody for the murder and sent to jail. It afterwards appeared that they did not have a warrant.
It is a sad occurrence to find a woman with her children watching the dead body of her husband, who was not long since in the prime of health, buoyant with hope for their new home, on the prairie surrounded by the gloom of night, save the feeble light of the moon. No more touching scene can be - in the midst of strangers as they were - marching over the spot where the body lay. The justice due them should be meted out, and we trust that it will be done.
This is the second man, we understand, that this Dureaux has shot, and should this community, who know his vile character, fail to punish him, it may not be his last.  --Cer. Chicago Post

--Paxton Weekly Record.  18 May 1865.

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